Go Bat Shit Crazy Because it’s International Bat Appreciation Day
“I don’t do mornings” is always the case for any creature of the night but today is International Bat Appreciation Day and there still much to learn about these mammals who are shrouded in mystery.
International Bat Appreciation Day was established to help spread awareness of the good things bats do, in addition to helping provide facts and dispel myths about them. There’s so much more to these essential living organisms that goes above and beyond their bad reputation drummed up in rumors, superstitions and Hollywood images.
Holding the title of being the only mammal that can take flight and truly sustain flight, bats are actually more maneuverable than birds. Having this kind of portability and ability to travel practically anywhere helps make them ideal for being natural insect repellants.
While different bat species have different dietary needs, bats who feed on nectar and fruit are critical to their biomes for pollinating flowers and scattering seeds. These animals have a vital role to play in our eco-system, and some of them are becoming endangered.
Preferring to make their home in tight places, many bat species are social creatures and prefer the company of others. Some colonies numbers can exceed more than a million. Living large minimizes the risk of becoming a casualty to a predator.
The Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, Texas is where North America's largest urban bat colony calls home during the summer. An estimated 1,500,000 Mexican free-tailed bats hang out beneath the road deck in gaps between the concrete component structures. Their nightly emergence from the bridge draws 100,000 tourists annually.
Bat, Ozzy, and Meatloaf are just a few examples of musicians who seem to have fallen under the Chiroptera order’s spell. This is easy to understand once you see how adorable they are as baby bat burritos. For others, they make great hairdressers, as adulthood.
Tonight, kick back and celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day with your eye to the sky in hopes of capturing a glimpse of a truly remarkable being.