This is the Worst Cologne Ever

Our sense of smell is the strongest of our senses to jogging our memories. We easily relate to the scent of something being lost in a momentary time warp and taking us back to a place and time many years ago. Most of these memories are pleasant, but when they are bad – they’re awful.

Like a lot of ladies who were young and remember the 90’s, the guy I was dating at that time was obsessed with Joop! Homme. I swear, this dude practically bathed himself in it and I should’ve known right then and there that this relationship wasn’t going anywhere, especially when he constantly reeked of heliotrope. It was very much akin to an old lady who cannot determine that not only does her perfume selection smell bad, it smells bad with her body chemistry. Just no.

To this day, if I catch a whiff of a stranger in passing who’s wearing that awful purple bottle of gag, I’ll stop, spin around and give them the stink eye. Don’t mind me, I just am on a flashback to the early 90’s and this train ride is putrid.

If you want an olfactory overload, this one’s for you. Guaranteed to deliver a sickening headache all around.

This cologne is described as an “Oriental unique fragrance” that was launched in 1989. Unique is not always something positive and this cologne can go wear it truly belongs for anyone who is still wearing it today – straight into the trash can. It’s awful. Just like country line dancing.

I am all for nostalgia, but some things need to just be left behind. It’s time to let the scent bombed clubbing days go – forever.


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