Tonight is a Full Pink Supermoon

Tonight is just the beginning of a streak of delights for the skygazers, as we welcome the Pink Full Supermoon. If the full moon looks larger than life, it’s because the moon is within 10 percent of its perigee. Not to mention that the pink moon appears to rise against a backdrop phenomenon known as the “moon illusion”.

The moon won’t actually appear pink as it illuminates the sky. That was just the name bestowed to it by Native Americans because this moon appeared around the same time as the moss phlox wildflowers would bloom in North America.

It will appear orange and fade into white as it makes it nighttime trek beginning in the eastern horizon until resting in the west.

Look for the “pink” delight to be at its height around 11:30pm Eastern/8:30pm Pacific.

The Pink supermoon is one of three consecutive supermoons we are being served from the universe. Get your cameras ready! This one will be an event not to miss.


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