Top 5 Expo Survival Tips You Need to Follow

This past weekend, I did something I haven’t done in a very long time. I went to an Expo!

The last few expos I’ve attended I was attending to work them, so that whole “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” thing really ruled my life for a few years.

Alas, I attended the Greenman Holistic Expo and had a wonderful time! There were about 60 vendors and every booth was centered around living better. From t’shirts, to candles, to card readings, to trees, there was something there for everyone.

One of the t’shirt vendors I spoke with today in the one who inspired this blog. I see you, Julie! We talked about “surviving a convention”, so I thought I’d lend out some of my best practices.

1.       Shoes are everything. When you’re going to be on your feet all day, regardless if youre a vendor or attendee, you need to wear comfortable shoes. I am talking the kind that you have to ask yourself “Would I wear these bad boys all day at Disney?” if your immediate thought is “No”, well, you need to pass. Really, your shoes are cute and all, but no one is going to be looking at your feet – trust me. You are there to take in more steps than you even realize yet, so go with the most comfortable pair you own.

2.       Hydrate often. Water is critical when you’re at a convention. You’re talking to so many people and asking questions about their products, that you can get really dehydrated really quick. Bring a refillable bottle full of the good stuff with you, so you’ll be ready to hydrate at a moments notice. I highly recommend one of my affiliate brands: Juggy. They are portable, cute and come with a strap, so you can sling that sucker over your arm and grab a sip in a moment’s notice.

3.       Money, duh. Not every vendor is going to accept cards, so bring cash. Some even surprised me this weekend and accepted bitcoin (what?), but regardless of tender, you need to have options with you. You’re going to get hungry and if you’re not packing snacks, well, that isn’t going to end well to go with no money and no snacks. Also, go with a budget in mind so you don’t leave broke and spending the kids’ lunch money on that one thing you just had to have. Impulsive Sagittarius here, so I get it.

4.       Talk to the Vendors. There is a person behind that booth and you’re here to support small businesses with your attendance. Look and admire what they’re selling. Ask questions about their products. They may have a solution to your problem or you may the solution to theirs. You just never know.

5.       Have fun. Oh, this one is really important! Don’t go with people who aren’t into spending a few hours (or an entire weekend) on the niche you’re wanting to go see. There’s nothing worse than going and having a “Debbie downer” tag along the entire time, complaining about everything. No ma’m. Leave that person behind because they’ll just end up ruining your fun and no one wants that.

All in all, conventions are meant to be memorable. I definitely need to go visit them more often.


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