I Guess This is Growing Up?

Here it is, early July, and I am still learning about myself.

To catch you up on things, I changed jobs in the spring and absolutely feel at home. I went back to the Learning & Development business and haven’t felt better about what I was meant to be doing for full time work in years. Remember, I walked away from training years ago to pursue this crazy thing called content. I have no regrets. I’ve learned so much in the past few years and have been steadily working on being better at digital marketing. It’s all about baby steps and being consistent, which also feels weird to say, because I haven’t written anything since the last blog post.

I made the choice for myself to quit vaping, but will always support it for anyone trying to quit smoking and failing themselves. It was the only thing that helped me and now six years later, I’m done. I feel positive about it. I still am here surrounded by the love of the vaping community and sending it right back to you. It’s just the personal choice I made for myself when I quit smoking, that’s all. No hard feelings and no goodbyes. Ya’ll can’t get rid of me that easily.

So, here I am. Being all independent and shit. I drive myself to work everyday. I finally feel like I’ve rid myself of my panic attacks while driving. I’m living at a much slower and simpler pace these days and I didn’t realize that this is what I truly needed. I don’t feel so wound up all the time and am way more relaxed, but still find myself being awkward sometimes. I guess this is growing up?

I’ve also picked up another thing that I found I’m really enjoying. Affiliate marketing. I have this whole page dedicated to brands I’m working with and things I love, so please check them out. A lot of these are small women owned businesses who need our support more than ever right now.

I’m falling back in love with the small things in life that bring me the most joy - vintage things, tea, coffee, smiling, being happy, being calm, inspiring others. being funny, art deco everything and just being an all around kind human. I implore you to truly find your own way in life and do what truly makes you happy. Like my husband always says, “We’re here for a good time, but not a long time.”

Much love,



Such as Life, I Guess?


Our World is Changing