Is it Really Monday Already?

This little dog hates mornings and I feel like we can all relate on some level. Who really wants to get out of bed on Mondays?

Not everyone is sunshine and kitty cats first thing in the morning and some of us need a little encouragement to even function when that alarm goes off and ruins everything.

While the world is quickly returning to normal, that means some of us are having to put on actual pants, pack a lunch and grab extra coffee on the way into the office. Yoga pants, we already miss you, but this is where we have to break things off. It’s not you, it’s work, and chilling in extra comfy active wear just isn’t going to fly in an office setting.

In a perfect world, the cat would cover the living expenses, but since we all know kitty is never going to pay the mortgage, so we’ve got to do what needs to be done. Here’s to adulting, right? Okay fine, but maybe it’ll be easier to get up and get going in about 5 more minutes.


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