Is a Baby Dinosaur Running Wild in Florida?

Having a front door camera can be quite convenient and entertaining at times. Someone rings the doorbell, and you can talk to them from any WIFI connection, making it easy to deal with uninvited solicitors.

There is also the occasional insect that sets off the motion detection sometimes, too, and that alert in the middle of the night can be alarming sometimes. Relax it’s just a slug.

But what if you’re not sure what it just picked up and you’re staring at the footage of “what in the hell is that?” Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a… dinosaur? Well, one lady in Florida thinks so.

Fox35 reports that they received a copy of a video from one of their viewers in April. The viewer, a lady in Florida, is convinced it is a ‘baby dinosaur’ caught running through her yard at 3:40 in the morning.

Florida is home to all kinds of creatures, but this unidentified one moved quite fast with what looks like a leash in tow.

Anyone lose their pet raptor?

The internet is all a buzz with what they think this creature could be. Some of speculated it is dog, which could explain the leash and others stating it could be a sandhill crane, and there are a handful of others who aren’t convinced that it is indeed a dinosaur.

It is indeed strange, but it’s Florida, so the comments are about as wild as the people.

“I've never seen a sandhill crane run like that. Look how right before the end. Whatever it is goes lower and runs even faster. Only seen raptors run like that in the movies. Who knows – could be a dinosaur escape from a lab or a meth head, you never know in Florida." 

"As a native Floridian, I can attest that this is absolutely a baby dinosaur. It came up from the underworld of the lizard Illuminati through the aquifer. All the locals know this! She must be a transplant."

Who knows what all they’re growing in the Sunshine State?


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