This Cocktail Is As Close To Island Hopping As It Gets
When I was much younger, I was fortunate enough to visit the Virgin Islands. The Caribbean is my personal paradise and visiting really invokes my inner pirate.
Since I can’t just up and go (sigh), the best I can do is drink up to be there in “spirit”. Here is a drink I discovered while I was there and it has been a staple in my locker for years. Yo ho, yo ho…
1oz dark cream de cacao
1oz dark rum
1oz kaluha
2oz cream of coconut
2oz milk (+vanilla ice cream if you like it real creamy)
8oz ice
Put all of it in a blender and mix until all the ice is crushed and well blended. You’re going for a milkshake like consistency.
Put it in a hurricane glass if you’re feeling like a fancy privateer or red solo cup if you’re not. No one is judging your container anyway, scallywag.